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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Gentle Warning To All Webmasters About RSS

A Gentle Warning To All Webmasters About RSS
By Titus Hoskins (c) 2006

RSS is fast becoming an obsession for me. I didn't plan for
it to be that way. It just happened.

I have been interested in RSS for a couple of years now but
it was only around this time last year that I started
taking a serious look at this little syndication standard
that's changing how we communicate on the web. Really
Simple Syndication. Simple phrase but it changes everything.

I figured what better way to get to know a subject than to
write about it. Going through the vast resources of the
Internet, blogs, forums, ebooks to collect what information
I needed for my ebook and articles. The Internet is one
huge storehouse of knowledge that more than supplied me
with enough material to write a hundred articles.

Coming from a fine art background, I also knew the only way
to really learn about a subject was 'hands on' experience.
So at the same time I started to really implement RSS
tactics on my own sites to get 'first-hand' evidence to
prove or back up my articles and writing. I concentrated on
website RSS techniques that worked with the major Search
Engines; starting my own blogs and RSS feeds to enhance my
sites and manipulating the search engines, feeding the
spiders with very legit content to build targeted traffic
to any keyword or market sector I wanted to promote.

Experiences that have opened my eyes wider than they have
been since kindergarten and RSS is still surprising me at
every turn. Only after I had started researching and
writing about RSS did it dawn on me that I had no idea just
how Big a Player RSS is becoming and will become in the
very near future. The impact will be felt in all areas of
the web.

Some of the major ones:

Google Blog Search - Which now opens up the whole area of
blog content and feeds to the one search engine that
counts. Google also finally embraced RSS despite its major
investment in the other syndication standard - Atom. Google
bought a while back which promotes the Atom

* Microsoft's Windows - The next version of Windows - Vista
- will have RSS embedded into its operating system. This
will open up RSS to the mass market. This will put RSS
center stage for computer and Internet users.

* Google Sitemaps - This XML powered system lets you update
and quickly index your site's pages in Google.

* Podcasting - The enormous popularity of sending audio
files or podcasting is opening up a whole new audience for

* Media RSS - This will permit the syndication of all types
of media, including video and TV programs through RSS,
further opening up RSS to becoming a broadcasting system
for the Internet.

* RSS Search - MSN, as well as other search engines, makes
it possible to search RSS feeds for the information we need.

* Mozilla Firefox Browser - This RSS powered browser with
its 'Live Bookmarks' is proving very popular with surfers.
It also proves you really don't have to know a thing about
RSS to enjoy its benefits - it can be seamlessly integrated
into the background or operating system with the end-users
oblivious to even the existence of RSS.

* Commercial RSS - Then there is the whole potential of RSS
ads and advertising which would commercialize RSS and bring
it into play by large corporations who are mainly
interested in the bottom line.

Not to mention all those orange XML or RSS buttons popping
up on website after website. RSS is taking on a life of its
own, gaining in popularity and growing in strength. RSS is
becoming a force that has to be reckoned with by every

How about you? Is your site RSS ready? Are you taking
advantage of RSS? Are you using RSS?

This is a gentle warning that you will start using RSS if
you haven't already and here's why... if you want your site
to remain truly competitive you must have RSS on it.
Without RSS you will be losing visitors and traffic to RSS
empowered sites. You will be losing traffic to sites that
are targeting keywords with blogs and feeds. You will be
losing traffic to those sites using the XML powered
Sitemaps. You will be losing traffic to sites that are RSS
User-Friendly and fully optimized for RSS.

You must have an RSS User-Friendly site if want your site
to be competitive. Just ask yourself, when the next Windows
browser comes online, how competitive will your site be
without RSS? What role will RSS play in getting visitors
and repeat visitors to your competitor's website?

Webmasters should be gearing up now for RSS, if they
haven't already. You have to prepare your sites for RSS.
You have to position your sites to take full advantage of
the coming RSS revolution! Take advantage of Google's
Sitemaps, Blog Search, RSSMedia, Next RSS powered Windows...

Get Ready. Prepare your site.

RSS is not only changing the rules, it is changing the
whole ball game. RSS will transform the Internet. RSS will
play a bigger and bigger role in the success or failure of
your website.

Proceed without RSS at your own risk.
To Put RSS On Your Site Within Minutes - Visit This Link:
For the latest and most effective Interne Marketing tools
- visit:


  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger Peter John said…

    Thanks for very clear information.
    I hope you continue sending more articles or information to this very instructive blog.
    Kind regards

  • At 2:21 PM, Blogger Peter John said…

    Thanks for very clear information.
    I hope you continue sending more articles or information to this very instructive blog.
    Kind regards

  • At 2:21 PM, Blogger Peter John said…

    Thanks for very clear information.
    I hope you continue sending more articles or information to this very instructive blog.
    Kind regards


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